


[Translate to chinese:] Raw widefield and THUNDER image of transversal mouse adult fiber lens section. Courtesy N. Houssin, Plagemen lab, Ohio State University, Columbus, USA.


本文讨论如何使用快速采集的宽场显微镜图像研究晶状体的形成和眼部出生缺陷。将小鼠晶状体用作模型,以研究眼睛细胞形态发生及细胞过程如何中断并导致发生缺陷。通过无模糊或离焦模糊的图像揭示了小鼠晶状体玻片内部深处的细节。这些图像是使用THUNDER Imager 3D Assay采集的。
[Translate to chinese:] Images of smooth muscle cells during wound healing. Courtesy L.S. Shankman, Ph.D., University of Virginia.


GLOW800 Augmented Reality fluorescence in Moyamoya disease treatment

How AR Helps in the Surgical Treatment of Moyamoya Disease

Moyamoya disease is a rare chronic occlusive cerebrovascular disorder characterized by progressive stenosis in the terminal portion of the internal carotid artery and an abnormal vascular network at…
[Translate to chinese:] Clinical case: radial forearm free flap preparation with prelaminated urethra and phalloplasty anastomosis


Raw widefield and THUNDER image of a mouse dorsal root ganglion with tdTomato (red) expressed in the sensory neurons.


本文讨论了相比传统的宽场显微镜,使用large volume computational clearing(LVCC)技术的THUNDER组织成像系统如何获取背根神经节(DRG)组织高对比度的快速三维成像图,获得感觉神经元更为清晰的解析图像。神经科学研究的一项主要领域集中在感觉神经元对触觉和痛觉的影响方面。深入理解这种现象对于神经系统疾病和疗法的发展具有重要意义。

Minor’s Syndrome Surgical Intervention by Prof. Vincent Darrouzet

Minor’s disease, also called Superior Semicircular Canal Dehiscence (SSCD) or Minor’s syndrome, is a rare disorder of the inner ear that affects hearing and balance. The disease is characterized by…
[Translate to chinese:] Raw widefield (left) and THUNDER (right) image of Ewing Sarcoma cells (SK-ES-1).


本文展示了如何使用THUNDER Imager Tissue和Large Volume Computational…

Formulated Product Characterization with SRS Microscopy

Creams, pastes, gels, emulsions, and tablets are ubiquitous across a wide range of manufacturing sectors from pharmaceuticals and consumer health products to agrochemicals and paint. To improve…

Proveo 8 with intraoperative OCT – a User Evaluation in an University Setting

Optical coherence tomography (OCT) makes structures in the eye visible that lie beneath the surface. When OCT is used intraoperatively, surgeons gain insight into possible pathological changes in the…
Sep 29, 2021
Proveo 8 with intraoperative OCT – a User Evaluation in an University Setting
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