


[Translate to chinese:] Living HeLa cells stained with WGA-488 (yellow), SPY-Actin (cyan), and SiR-Tubulin (magenta). Instant Computational Clearing (ICC) was applied.


本文将举例说明 Mica 进行动态活细胞成像的能力。活细胞成像揭示了各种细胞事件。由于其中许多事件具有快速动态性,显微镜成像系统必须足够快才能记录下每一个细节。这种成像系统的一个主要优势是能够同时捕获多个荧光成像通道,以精确地显示它们的时空相关性。
Spectral separation of 11 fluorophores coupled to polystyrene beads on a STELLARIS confocal system.

Multiplexing through Spectral Separation of 11 Colors

Fluorescence microscopy is a fundamental tool for life science research that has evolved and matured together with the development of multicolor labeling strategies in cells tissues and model…
[Translate to chinese:] Projection of a confocal z-stack. Sum159 cells, human breast cancer cells kindly provided by Ievgeniia Zagoriy, Mahamid Group, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. Blue–Hoechst - indicates nuclei, Green–MitoTracker mitochondria, and red–Bodipy - lipid droplets


Untreated Hela Kyoto cells stained to show the nucleus (Hoechst, blue), the cis-golgi matrix protein GM130 (AF488, green), and the trans-golgi network membrane protein TGN46 (AF647, red).


在本集MicaCam直播活动中,来自海德堡欧洲分子生物学实验室的特邀嘉宾George Galea将对用各类化疗药物进行治疗的HeLa Kyoto细胞进行分析,并观察其对高尔基复合体和细胞核的组织和定位的影响。
[Translate to chinese:] Zebrafish heart showing the ventricle with an injury in the lower area


Identification of distinct structures_roundworm_Ascaris_female

Find Relevant Specimen Details from Overviews

Switch from searching image by image to seeing the full overview of samples quickly and identifying the important specimen details instantly with confocal microscopy. Use that knowledge to set up…
[Translate to chinese:] LNG-non-LNGHeLa cells labeled with light blue –Hoechst, Nuclei


Multi-color SRS image of a tri-cellular cancer spheroid

The Potential of Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy at a Glance

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3D-volume-rendered light-sheet microscope image of a spheroid showing depth coding in different colors.

Imaging of Anti-Cancer Drug Uptake in Spheroids using DLS

Spheroid 3D cell culture models mimic the physiology and functions of living tissues making them a useful tool to study tumor morphology and screen anti-cancer drugs. The drug AZD2014 is a recognized…
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