


[Translate to chinese:] Cancer cells


[Translate to chinese:] Raw widefield and THUNDER image of calcium transients in Drosophila embryos. Courtesy A. Carreira-Rosario, Clandinin laboratory, California, USA.

Central Nervous System (CNS) Development and Activity in Organisms

This article shows how studying central nervous system (CNS) development in Drosophila-melanogaster embryos expressing a GCaMP calcium indicator in the neurons can be improved with a THUNDER Imager.
[Translate to chinese:] How is microscopy used in spatial biology - Teaserimage


[Translate to chinese:] Image of murine-brain tissue showing a region removed with UV laser microdissection.


本文介绍了样品制备过程和紫外激光显微切片(UV LMD)对小鼠脑组织冷冻切片RNA质量的影响。为在提取RNA时获取良好的结果,从高品质组织开始并在处理前后检查RNA质量至关重要。RNA完整性指数(RIN)以1到10的等级标准来显示样品质量。简言之,RIN数值越高,RNA质量越高。这项研究结果表明,可以利用紫外激光显微切片技术,可以从单个组织细胞中获取品质稳定的RNA。
Mouse whole-mount retina. Image courtesy of the Experimental Ophthalmology Group, University of Murcia, Spain.


The specificity of fluorescence microscopy allows researchers to accurately observe and analyze biological processes and structures quickly and easily, even when using thick or large samples. However,…
Identification of distinct structures_roundworm_Ascaris_female

Find Relevant Specimen Details from Overviews

Switch from searching image by image to seeing the full overview of samples quickly and identifying the important specimen details instantly with confocal microscopy. Use that knowledge to set up…

High-resolution 3D Imaging to Investigate Tissue Ageing

Award-winning researcher Dr. Anjali Kusumbe demonstrates age-related changes in vascular microenvironments through single-cell resolution 3D imaging of young and aged organs.
[Translate to chinese:] The EM ICE Nano loading area


Coral Life工作流将动态数据与最佳的样品固定方式(高压冷冻)相结合。然而,如果您的细胞因为温度下降,或缺氧气、二氧化碳或营养物质缺乏而受到损伤,那么再好的样品保存也没有意义。这些因素将影响一系列的生物过程,甚至破坏原超微结构基础,影响您的分析。

Visualizing Protein Degradation and Aggregation in the Living Cell

Our guest speaker, Prof Dr Eric Reits, presents his work on neurodegenerative disorders. Reits’ group are experts on the subject of Huntington’s disease and work towards identifying leads for…
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