


[Translate to chinese:] Electroporated nerve cells (green), specific neuronal markers (magenta) and cell nuclei (white), computational cleared.

利用 "Wow效应 "进入三维空间--以三维方式实时观察细胞

[Translate to chinese:] Virally labeled neurons (red) and astrocytes (green) in a cortical spheroid derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells. THUNDER Model Organism Imager with a 2x 0.15 NA objective at 3.4x zoom was used to produce this 425 µm Z-stack (26 positions), which is presented here as an Extended Depth of Field (EDoF) projection.  Images courtesy of Dr. Fikri Birey  from the Dr. Sergiu Pasca laboratory at Stanford University, 3165 Porter Dr., Palo Alto, CA


Dividing fission yeast S. pombe stained with two markers against spindle pole bodies (Pcp1-GFP, green) and cytokinesis ring (Rlc1-mCherry; red).

Studying Cell Division

Cell division is a biological process during which all cellular components must be distributed among the daughter cells. The division process requires firm coordination for success. Microscopy is…
[Translate to chinese:] Mouse kidney section with Alexa Fluor™ 488 WGA, Alexa Fluor™ 568 Phalloidin, and DAPI. Sample is a FluoCells™ prepared slide #3 from Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA. Images courtesy of Dr. Reyna Martinez – De Luna, Upstate Medical University, Department of Ophthalmology.

自适应反卷积与 Computational Clearing 结合的力量

反卷积是一种计算方法,用于恢复被点扩散函数(PSF)和噪声源破坏的物体图像。在本技术简介中,您将了解徕卡显微系统提供的反卷积算法如何帮助您克服宽视场 (WF) 荧光显微镜中由于光的波动性和光学元件对光的衍射而造成的图像分辨率和对比度损失。探索由用户控制或自动反卷积的方法,查看并解析更多的结构细节。

Improvement of Imaging Techniques to Understand Organelle Membrane Cell Dynamics

Understanding cell functions in normal and tumorous tissue is a key factor in advancing research of potential treatment strategies and understanding why some treatments might fail. Single-cell…

Advancing Cell Biology with Cryo-Correlative Microscopy

Correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM) advances biological discoveries by merging different microscopes and imaging modalities to study systems in 4D. Combining fluorescence microscopy with…
Mouse lymphnode acquired with a THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture. Image courtesy of Dr. Selina Keppler, Munich, Germany.

Image Gallery: THUNDER Imager

To help you answer important scientific questions, THUNDER Imagers eliminate the out-of-focus blur that clouds the view of thick samples when using camera-based fluorescence microscopes. They achieve…

From Organs to Tissues to Cells: Analyzing 3D Specimens with Widefield Microscopy

Obtaining high-quality data and images from thick 3D samples is challenging using traditional widefield microscopy because of the contribution of out-of-focus light. In this webinar, Falco Krüger…

Studying Human Brain Development and Disease

Neural spheroids created from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) provide effective and novel tools for studying brain development, as well as the underlying pathological mechanisms of…
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