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Akos Diosdi , MSc

Akos Diosdi

Akos Diosdi was born in Hungary in 1995. He studied Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Szeged (Hungary). After obtaining his Bachelor of Science, he joined the Biological Image Analysis and Machine Learning Group (BIOMAG), Synthetic and Systems Biology Unit, Biological Research Centre (BRC, Szeged, Hungary)  where he pursuit a Master degree in BioInformatics. In 2019 he received the Discipuli pro Universitate Award for his outstanding performance. Since then, he started his PhD studies under the supervision of Prof. Peter Horvath. His main research fields are: “Light-sheet Microscopy”, “In Vitro 3D Models”, “Imaging Technology”, “Clearing Protocols”, “Computational Biology”. In just 2 years, he collected several contributions in outstanding international conferences and 4 articles published in top scientific journals, including articles in the journals ‘BioInformatics’ and ‘Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal’.

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