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Qilin Lian , M.Sc.

Qilin Lian

Qilin Lian: M.Sc. studied miniaturized Biotechnology at Technische Universität Ilmenau, Germany, mainly engaged in the research of biomaterial under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ing. Klaus Liefeith. Since 2017, he works as a senior application specialist at Leica microsystems. He is very familiar with microscopic imaging, such as compound and stereo microscopy, digital microscopy, confocal laser scanning and super-resolution microscopy.

STED imaging of mitochondria revealed cristae dynamics during fusion. A comparison of confocal (left) and STED (right) imaging.

Mitochondrial Dynamics Quantitatively Revealed by STED Nanoscopy

Mitochondria are vital subcellular organelles, which can generate energy to support the entire lifecycle of biological cells. However, conventional fluorescence microscopy cannot provide a high enough…
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