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Efficiency in Angle-based and Canal-based Glaucoma Surgeries

Interview with Dr. Don Nguyen, ophthalmologist and glaucoma specialist


In this interview Dr. Don C. Nguyen explains how the Proveo 8 ophthalmic microscope improves his surgical outcomes during complex cataract surgery, micro-invasive glaucoma surgery, and the early detection of glaucoma using advanced imaging technology. Dr. Nguyen is an Ophthalmologist and Glaucoma Specialist based in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. The opinions expressed in this video are those of the physician.

Interview recording

Transcription of the interview

Don Nguyen (00:09):

Hi. My name is Don Nguyen. I am a glaucoma and cataract surgeon in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. My areas of interest include refractive and complex cataract surgery, microinvasive glaucoma surgery, and the early detection of glaucoma using advanced imaging technology. My passion is achieving excellent outcomes for my patients.

Don Nguyen (00:30):

I've been using the Proveo 8 for a few years now. My favorite thing is the CoAx 4 illumination and the FusionOptics. With the CoAx 4 illumination, there's really always a constant red reflex during the case no matter how compliant the patient is. If they're looking straight or they're not able to follow commands, I always feel like I have a very strong and steady red reflex. And so that makes me feel very comfortable during the surgery.

Don Nguyen (00:54):

And with FusionOptics, there's really minimal fine-tuning of the focus during the case and so it really makes things go very smoothly. Having a superior view of the angle leads to a higher likelihood of proper placement of our devices, of our surgical targets, which will ultimately lead to improved surgical outcomes in outcomes for patients.

Don Nguyen (01:14):

Another great thing about the Proveo is just how customizable everything is. And so particularly for recording cases, I can even customize the foot pedal buttons to do whatever you want. For me, the scope handles, I rotate the scope handle forward, so I can start recording and then stop recording as well. So that minimizes having to ask a circulator to do that for me. So I can really control every aspect of which part of the case that I want to report.

Don Nguyen (01:46):

I've been doing microinvasive glaucoma surgery for several years now. Again, with any particular surgery, the view is the most important thing. So what the Proveo 8 provides is superior visualization of the anatomic landmarks in the structures that we're aiming for. So no matter what device we're using, being in the right place is the most important thing. And so having that confidence of seeing all the tissues that we're looking for, the correct plane and being in the right spot really makes the surgeon feel confident that the patient's going to have a great outcome after this.

Don Nguyen (02:18):

The quick tilt is a feature that Proveo 8 has built-in where the surgeon can preset the angle at which the scope rotates to for angled surgery. So it really minimizes time for the surgeon. Myself, I like to kind of customize the angle myself. So I've programmed the foot pedal to adjust the tilt with the patient so I can adjust on the fly. Depending on head size and co-operation, it's very easy to use.

Don Nguyen (02:51):

Anytime I know that I'm going to get to use the Proveo 8 scope, I certainly feel a lot better about how my day is going to go. I certainly know I'm probably going to finish on time. Everything's going to go smoothly just because I'm not held back by anything. The view is the best really view of any scope I've used before. I use much less trypan blue because even if there is a dense cortical cataract, I'm really able to see the fine details of the anterior capsule. So using things like VisionBlue have become much less frequent. And so the Proveo 8 really makes my life easier as a surgeon.

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