
Ultramicrotomy for room temperature and cryo applications

10 Nov 2021 09:00 UTC


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Ultramicrotomy is a proven and universally accepted technique for sample preparation for TEM, SEM, AFM, etc. It permits the fine internal structures of samples to be visualized and analyzed at nanometer-scale resolution by producing ultrathin sample sections in a fast and clean manner. A key advantage of ultramicrotomy is the size and homogeneity of the electron-transparent area within the sections and the speed at which the sections are produced.

In this online workshop, you will discover:

  • Good practice guidelines for ultrathin sectioning for TEM/SEM and ultrathin cryosectioning of vitrified and Tokuyasu frozen samples
  • How to overcome some of the challenges you may face when sample sectioning
  • Why pre-preparation is crucial for maximal section quality
  • How to optimize grid and section manipulation
  • and much more
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