FS C & FS M Macroscopio comparatore forense motorizzato

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Topographic analysis of firing pin.

Topographic Analysis of Firing Pin Impressions on Cartridge Cases

The analysis of fired cartridges for primer cup morphology and flattening and firing pin impression (crater) depth using topographic data is discussed in this article. Topographical analysis of the…
Alexander von Inostranzeff (1843–1919)

125 Years of Comparison Microscopy

To be able to optically compare two objects with scientific accuracy, it must be possible to view them at the same time. This is particularly true for comparing small objects that can only be…
Forensics microscopy

Every Clue Counts – Forensics Inconceivable Without Microscopy

There is no crime without clues. They may be obvious, like a cartridge case at the scene of the crime or clear signs of crowbar damage on a door. But sometimes, clues are microscopically small.…

Campi di applicazione

Microscopi forensi

Durante l'esame delle prove, i microscopi e l'attrezzatura di imaging degli scienziati forensi devono garantire risultati precisi, di qualità, esatti e riproducibili per un esito di successo. Leica…
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