
M822 Microscopio operatorio per chirurgia del segmento anteriore e posteriore

Visione ottimale. Prestazioni ottimali.

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Dr. Tawfik with the Proveo 8 surgical microscope.

Dr. Tawfik Shares his Expert View on Direct Horizontal Chopping in Cataract Surgery

It is estimated that nearly 28 million cataract surgery procedures are performed worldwide every year. Phacoemulsification is the most common method used to remove the cataract and chopping maneuvers…

How to Select a Microscope for Cataract Surgery

What to consider in the selection of an ophthalmic microscope for cataract procedures. Bearing these aspects in mind will equip surgeons well for talks with manufacturer representatives. Many…

Advanced Techniques in Cataract and Refractive Surgery

In this webinar Dr. Thompson and Dr. Moshirfar will explain how Leica microscopes aid in procedures such as Centration of Multifocal IOLs and corneal inlays such as Kamra and Lenticular Grafts used in…

Campi di applicazione


I microscopi operatori Leica per oftalmologia rappresentano l'eccellenza nell'ottica e nell'illuminazione, consentendo ai chirurghi di eseguire interventi con un elevato grado di precisione e di…

Chirurgia della cataratta

Le operazioni alla cataratta sono diventate una delle procedure oftalmiche più comuni negli ultimi decenni. Il chirurgo oculista rimuove la cataratta e sostituisce la lente intraoculare naturale con…
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