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Cornelia Gilbrich-Wille , M.Sc.,

Cornelia Gilbrich-Wille

Cornelia Gilbrich-Wille hat Biologie mit den Schwerpunkten Biochemie und Zoologie an der Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen studiert und mit dem Master of Science abgeschlossen. In ihrer Masterarbeit befasste sie sich mit "Qualitativen Studien am Beispiel der Beobachtung von Seevögeln im Nationalpark Wattenmeer".

Außerdem absolvierte sie einen Bachelor in Ernährungswissenschaften und schrieb ihre experimentelle Arbeit zum Thema "Qualitative und quantitative Bestimmung von D-Amino-Säuren in Grillsaucen mittels Gaschromatographie/Massenspektrometrie (GC/MS)".

Cornelia hat als freie Mitarbeiterin mehrere Artikel speziell für LMD/Lasermikrodissektion für Leica Science Lab geschrieben.

Image of murine-brain tissue showing a region removed with UV laser microdissection.

RNA Quality after Different Tissue Sample Preparation

The influence of sample preparation and ultraviolet (UV) laser microdissection (UV LMD) on the quality of RNA from murine-brain tissue cryo-sections is described in this article. To obtain good…
Leica LMD7

Consumables for Laser Microdissection

There are many different types of consumables for laser microdissection (LMD) systems. They cover a wide range of applications from basic to highly specialized, enabling scientists to choose their own…

Video: How to Achieve Fast Precise Cutting Lines in Laser Microdissection

This video explains the laser beam deflection principle of Leica Microsystems‘ laser microdissection systems (Leica LMD). The laser, the beam expander, motorized attenuator, motorized iris diaphragm…

Stem Cells in the Aging Process – the Signal Protein p53 as "Guardian of the Genome"

The physiological process of aging is an elementary part of life. The processes responsible for the aging process and the effect they have is one of the key focuses of biomedical research. Dr. Yvonne…
Brain section 12 μm, before dissection, objective 63x, stained with Toluidin blue.

An Introduction to Laser Microdissection

Laser microdissection is a highly selective process for preparing samples for DNA, RNA and protein analysis. It is a microscope-controlled manipulation technique for the precise separation of samples…

Applications of Laser Microdissection

Laser microdissection and laser micromanipulation are suitable for gaining a differentiated insight into the function of genes and proteins, and are used for a wide range of applications in…
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