UC Enuity
Ultramikrotome & Kryo-Ultramikrotome
Elektronenmikroskopie Probenvorbereitung
Leica Microsystems
UC Enuity Ultramikrotom
Automatisierung und Präzision auf dem neuesten Stand der Technik
Lesen Sie unsere neuesten Artikel
How to Automatically Obtain Fluorescent Cells of Interest in a Block-face
Block-face created by automatic trimming under fluorescence.
Mammalian cells of interest, stained with CellTrackerTM Green are visualized within the block-face using the UC Enuity equipped with the…
Improve Your Ultramicrotomy Workflow with Automated Sectioning
Discover advanced digital ultramicrotomy tools for fast and accurate automated sectioning. Learn about autoalignment, and efficient sample trimming leveraging 3D µCT data. See application examples…
Automatic Alignment of Sample and Knife for High Sectioning Quality
Automatic alignment of sample and knife on the ultramicrotome UC Enuity, enabling even untrained users to create ultrathin sections with reduced risk of losing precious sections.
High Quality Sectioning in Ultramicrotomy
Discover the significance of achieving high-quality uniform sections with ultramicrotomy for precise imaging in electron microscopy.
Ultramicrotomy Techniques for Materials Sectioning
Learn about ultramicrotomy for materials sectioning when investigating polymers and brittle materials with transmission (TEM) or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) or atomic force microscopy.
Introduction to Ultramicrotomy
When studying samples, to visualize their fine structure with nanometer scale resolution, most often electron microscopy is used. There are 2 types: scanning electron microscopy (SEM) which images the…
Die Life Science Division von Leica Microsystems erfüllt die Bildgebungsanforderungen der Wissenschaft mit höchster Innovationsfähigkeit und technischem Know-how für die Visualisierung, Messung und…
Mikroskope für Materialanalysen
Die Materialanalyse erfordert Mikroskoplösungen für die Bildgebung, Messung und Analyse von Merkmalen in einer Vielzahl von Materialien wie Metalllegierungen, Halbleitern, Glas und Keramik sowie…