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M50, M60 & M80 Stereomikroskope für Routineaufgaben

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[Translate to German:] Stereo microscopes are often considered the workhorses of laboratories and production sites.

Wichtige Faktoren, die Sie bei der Auswahl eines Stereomikroskops berücksichtigen sollten

Stereomikroskope zeichnen sich durch ihre Fähigkeit aus, einen 3D-Eindruck der Probe zu erzeugen. Daher eignen sie sich besonders gut für Inspektion und Nacharbeit, Qualitätskontrolle, Forschung und…
Strain from using a microscope can lead to musculoskeletal pain.

Microscope Ergonomics

This article explains microscope ergonomics and how it helps users work in comfort, enabling consistency and efficiency. Learn how to set up the workplace to keep good posture when using a microscope.
Inspection microscope image of a printed circuit board (PCB) taken with a ring light (RL) and near vertical illumination (NVI).

Microscope Illumination for Industrial Applications

Inspection microscope users can obtain information from this article which helps them choose the optimal microscope illumination or lighting system for inspection of parts or components.
Electronic component

Top Challenges for Visual Inspection

This article discusses the challenges encountered when performing visual inspection and rework using a microscope. Using the right type of microscope and optical setup is paramount in order to…
[Translate to German:]  Routine inspection microscope Ivesta 3

How to select the right solution for visual inspection

This article helps users with the decision-making process when selecting a microscope as a solution for routine visual inspection. Important factors that should be considered are described.
Comparison when observing a rodent model organism with a Greenough versus CMO (common main objective) stereo microscope for a task like surgery.

Rodent and Small-Animal Surgery

Learn how you can perform rodent (mouse, rat, hamster) and small-animal surgery efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology and medical research applications by reading this article.
Gene editing with Cas9

Gene Editing with CRISPR/Cas9 - Breakthrough in Genome Engineering

The CRISPR/Cas9 system is one of several different bacterial systems for defense against viral attacks. It consists of two main components. One is a small piece of RNA which binds to the viral target…
Transgenic zebrafish larva where fluorescent proteins label the heart muscle blue, blood and blood vessels red, and all circulatory system cells green. Image recorded with a M205 FA microscope.

Imaging and Analyzing Zebrafish, Medaka, and Xenopus

Discover how to image and analyze zebrafish, medaka, and Xenopus frog model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
Fluorescence stereo microscope image of anesthetized Mediterranean fruit flies recorded with a M205 stereo microscope.

Investigating Fruit Flies (Drosophila melanogaster)

Learn how to image and investigate Drosophila fruit fly model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
C. elegans

Studying Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans)

Find out how you can image and study C. elegans roundworm model organisms efficiently with a microscope for developmental biology applications from this article.
An ID card which has been tampered with by counterfeiters who inserted a hologram.

Is that Document Genuine or Fake? How do They Identify Fake Documents?

This article shows how forensic experts use microscopy for analysis to identify counterfeit, fake documents, such as ID cards, passports, visas, certificates, etc. Then they know if it is genuine or…
A portion of an early binocular microscope developed by John Leonhard Riddel in the early 1850s.

The History of Stereo Microscopy

This article gives an overview on the history of stereo microscopes. The development and evolution from handcrafted instruments (late 16th to mid-18th century) to mass produced ones the last 150…
Distance measurements

Measurement Microscopes

Measurement microscopes are useful for determining sample-feature dimensions during QC, failure analysis, and R&D. Learn more about Leica measurement microscopes.


Material- & Geowissenschaften

Sie benötigen die richtigen Werkzeuge für eine zuverlässige und qualitativ hochwertige Bildgebung und Analyse. Leica Microsystems bietet Ihnen alles aus einer Hand. Zusammen mit kompetenter…


Für optimale Ergebnisse während der Bewertung, Sortierung, Manipulation und Bildgebung von Modellorganismen ist es entscheidend feine Details und Strukturen genauestens zu erkennen. Das bildet die…


Die Analyse, Restaurierung, Konservierung und Dokumentation von Kunstwerken oder kulturellen Artefakten erfordert komplexe technische Fähigkeiten und den Einsatz modernster bildgebender Verfahren,…


Für eine schnelle und zuverlässige Leiterplatteninspektion benötigen Elektronikhersteller und -zulieferer Lösungen, die eine effiziente Qualitätskontrolle, Querschnittsanalyse und F&E ermöglichen.


Wenn Sie Präparationen durchführen, verbringen Sie oft viele Stunden an den Okularen eines Präpariermikroskops. Bei Leica Microsystems können Sie aus einer Vielzahl von Mikroskopen und einem…


Leica Microsystems bietet eine Vielzahl von Inspektionsmikroskopen für industrielle Anwendungen. Unsere Experten helfen Ihnen, die optimale Lösung zu finden.

Märkte für industrielle Mikroskopie

Maximale Betriebszeit und effizientes Erreichen von Zielen helfen Ihnen, Ihr Ergebnis zu verbessern. Mit den Mikroskoplösungen von Leica Microsystems erhalten Sie Einblicke in kleinste Probendetails…
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