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Ideation - Innovate with Leica Microsystems

We welcome your idea for a new or improved product or technology! If you believe it could make a difference in generating insight or solve a current problem, please tell us about it!

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Type of Proposal & Your Idea

Please describe your idea and if possible point out which user problem it is addressing, what benefit it offers and how it differs from what is already available.

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How it works

You will be asked to share some information about yourself as well as about your idea/proposal.

Your submission will be assessed by a dedicated review team, and we will contact you if we are interested in your submission.

About Leica Microsystems

Leica Microsystems develops and manufactures microscopes and scientific instruments for the analysis of microstructures and nanostructures. Widely recognized for optical precision and innovative technology, our company is one of the market leaders in compound and stereo microscopy, digital microscopy, confocal laser scanning and super-resolution microscopy with related imaging systems, electron microscopy sample preparation, and surgical microscopy.

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