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DMI6000 B Fully Automated Inverted Research Microscope for Biomedical Research

Archived Product
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The Leica DMI6000 B inverted microscope for biomedical research offers Differential Interference Contrast (DIC) for relief imaging of specimens with varying indices of refraction.

The intuitive, automated Leica DMI6000 B is ideal for fluorescence, live cell, time-lapse imaging, high-speed multi-fluorescence optical sectioning, and micromanipulation.

The system features an automated contrast and illumination manager, motorized Z focus, parfocality function, automatic brightness and diaphragm adjustment, and many other automated functions that provide convenience and reproducible results.

For special diagnostics requirements, the microscope is certified for in-vitro-diagnostics (IVD) like in-vitro-fertilization (IVF).

The Leica DMI6000 B provides high-level automation for advanced research applications.
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