Werner Wittke , Dr.

Werner Wittke is Head of Application Management Widefield as well as Product Manager for Micromanipulation and Optics Innovation at Leica Microsystems in Wetzlar. He studied biology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany and received his diploma in 1994. His diploma thesis was about “Evaluation of presumptive cell wall mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana using light microscopy, electron microscopy and freeze fracture”.
He relocated for Ph.D. work to the Max-Planck-Institute for Cell Biology in Ladenburg, Germany and received his Ph.D. degree in 1998 for the thesis “Cell biological, biochemical and molecular biological investigations to characterize the 10nm filament system in Acetabularia acetabulum”. Werner Wittke stayed at the Max-Planck-Institute as a postdoctoral fellow until June 2000.
Between August 2000 and today he has been acting for Leica Microsystems in different positions, such as Application Manager, Product Manager, Head of Product Management and is now responsible for a team of Application Managers in the headquarter of Leica Microsystems in Wetzlar, Germany.