FL800 Intra-Operative Fluorescence-Guided Blood Flow View 820 nm/NIR
A ruptured cerebral aneurysm is the third most common cause of death in industrial countries.
With the Leica FL800, for intra-operative fluorescence-aided videoangiography, surgeons can now determine the patency of vessels.
During surgery, the patient is injected intravenously with ICG (indocyanine green) dye, which is well tolerated and spreads quickly. A near infrared camera then shows the bloodstream in black-and-white directly through the surgical microscope eyepieces and/or on a video monitor.

Key Features
See blood flow intra-operatively
The Leica FL800 fluorescence module enables the surgeon to observe blood flow through the microscope eyepieces or on the video monitor in real time, without additional measuring apparatus. It is a fast, easy method of checking during surgery whether the aneurysm has been perfectly clipped and whether blood flow is properly flowing through the bypass.
Simple and fast
To change from white light to NIR mode, the surgeon simply pushes a button found on the hand grip of the surgical microscope. Operating the Leica FL800 thus perfectly blends into the surgical workflow. It is simple and fast, this being a main criteria in cerebral aneurysm surgery
Flexible Viewing
Using the Leica FL800 in combination with a digital imaging color module (Leica DI C500 or Leica DI C700) enables the surgeon to display the ICG fluorescence image into the eyepiece. The surgeon can choose how to view the collected data.
Picture in Picture Function
The Leica FL800 combined with the Leica NIR Dual Video Adapter and the MedXchange HDMD® recording system provides the "picture-in-picture" function, which enables re-visualization of preceding recorded tracks for easier intra-operative decision making.