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How to Boost your Microelectronic Component Inspection Performance

Overcoming the resolution criterion - Webinar on-demand

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Do you need to see more when inspecting silicon wafers or MEMS? Would you like to get sharp and detailed sample images which are similar to those from electron microscopes?

Watch this free webinar to learn more about powerful imaging & contrasting techniques that can enhance your inspection performance. You will see how to overcome the resolution criterion, without oil immersion or transfer to SEM, to achieve the inspection results you are aiming for.

The webinar recording is available in English and German.

What to expect in the webinar

Key Learnings:

  • The basics behind powerful imaging and contrasting techniques that will give you both high resolution and contrast.
  • How to successfully apply these techniques to your daily inspection work - without the need for oil immersion or transfer to SEM.
  • Understanding how the combination of these approaches can help you improve your inspection performance.

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