Multicolor Imaging with STELLARIS Confocal Platform
The STELLARIS family of confocal microscopes is equipped with next generation white light lasers (WLL). Paired with Power HyD detectors, STELLARIS provides complete spectral freedom. You can perform multicolor experiments to fit your research needs without being limited by the instrument. STELLARIS can also add an additional dimension to multicolor imaging by using the lifetime-based properties of fluorescent dyes/proteins with the TauSense set of tools.
Cytoskeleton and membranes in live cell imaged with TauSTED
Image acquired with STELLARIS STED.

TauSTED 775 resolves the intricate cytoskeleton network labeled with SiR-tubulin (glow - Spyrochrome), and trafficking vesicles labeled with CF594 (cyan - Biotium).
Endocytic pathway and mitochondria dynamics
Cytoskeleton and membranes in live cell imaged with TauSTED
Image acquired with STELLARIS STED. Live cell TauSTED on U2OS cells, using labels for actin (SiR-actin, glow), microtubules (SPY555-tubulin, cyan), and membranes (CF488A coupled to WGA, green). SiR and SPY are available from Spirochrome. CF dyes are available from Biotium Inc. Scale bar: 10 μm

Cytoskeleton and membranes in live cell imaged with TauSTED
Root-hypocotyl junction of Arabidopsis thaliana
Nature is multi-dimensional. To truly comprehend its complexity, we need to look in multiple dimensions. This detailed multicolor image of Arabadopsis thaliana root junction was obtained with just one click and one detector. With conventional confocal microscopy, it would be black and white. With STELLARIS what we see is transformed by an extra dimension of lifetime information. Not only is the remarkable architectural diversity of the actin-containing root system revealed with more clarity, but also its relationship to the cell wall and chloroplasts—structures that would be difficult or impossible to distinguish using the intensity data alone. The result is not just a snapshot of nature’s beauty, but an information-rich image that progresses our understanding of plant biology.
Cytoskeletal and mitochondrial interactions revealed
Most conventional confocal systems are equipped with only one or two discrete laser lines in the red. In addition, conventional