LAS X Life Science Microscope Software Platform

One for all

Supported Hardware (Widefield systems)

Short description
Leica microscope cameras DFC7000 T, DFC7000 GT, K8, K5, K5C, K3C, K3M, DFC9000 GT, DFC9000 GTC, DFC3000 G, DMC2900, DMC4500, DMC5400, C1, 
C3, DMC6200, DFC450 C, DFC295, IC90E, ICC50W, ICC50E
Andor microscope cameras iXonUltra 888, iXonUltra Life 897, iXonUltra 897
Hamamatsu microscope cameras Flash 4.0 V2 CL, Flash 4.0 V2 USB, Flash 4.0 V3 CL, Flash 4.0 V3 USB
Photometrics microscope cameras Prime 95B PCIe, Prime 95B USB3
Fluorescence light sources LED8, LED5, LED3, LED1, EL6000, Lumen Dynamics X-Cite 200 DC, Lumen Dynamics X-Cite XLED1, CoolLED pE-800, CoolLED pE-300 White, CoolLED pE-300 Light, CoolLED pE340 Fura
Leica External Filter Wheels High speed filter wheels including (27ms switching time)
Leica Water Immersion Micro Dispenser Water immersion dispenser to compensate evaporation. Ideal for screening and multi positioning experiments (compatible objectives)
Leica MotCorr Motorized movement of correction ring (dedicated objectives only)

Acquisition modules

Module name




LAS X Core module LAS X Core software, operates without the need for a dongle. x x
Multi Channel Acquisition Allows the definition of up to 8 acquisition channels per experiment. o x
Time-Lapse Define the duration and frequency of image capture for time lapse experiments. o x
Z-Control and Software Autofocus Focus positioning and acquisition of 3 dimensional data sets. Includes software autofocus. o x
Mark and Find Define multiple stage locations and revisit them as part of a time-lapse or Z stacking experiment. o x
Stitching Create multiple regions of any shape for overview images and high resolution scans o x
Assay Editor Perform multi well and multi chamber experiments. Create customized sample carriers. Automatically distribute regions and positions to each well/chamber. o o
Driver Non-Leica Cameras Allows the control of any third party camera supported by LAS X. o o
Extended Depth of Field Effectively sums up only the in focus area of each image in a three dimensional image stack and creates a single EDOF image. o -

x=included; o=optional; -=not available

Advanced modules.

Module name




Calcium Imaging Module for online ratio measurement, online display of ratio graphs and ratio image o x
Live Data Mode Interactive data recording allowing job-sequencing and online evaluation o o
Colocalization Histogram based colocalization and area measurements o o
FRET SE Powerful wizard for FRET acquisition and analysis o o
Environmental Control Have full control of your experimental conditions with the LAS X Environmental Control module. Log the environmental data and monitor it during the experiment. o o
User management Allows system administrators to give different access levels to different LAS X user groups. o x
FRAP Wizard The step by step wizard guides users through setup, acquisition and quantification of a FRAP experiment o o
HCS A Versatile tool set for high content screening and automated microscopy. o o
Trigger to Peripherals Send triggers and analog signals to peripherals. Incorporate triggers into your time lapse experiments. Includes powerful trigger capabilities such as sending a trigger at a specific channel or position. o -

x=included; o=optional; -=not available

Visualization and Analysis




Graphic card based processing for smooth and fast motion of 3D volumes in real time o o
Wizard for 3D analysis o o
Easy and Versatile Wizard for 2D Analysis of Multi-Dimensional Data Sets o o
Fully integrated deconvolution algorithm using adaptive calculated or supplied PSF o o
Algorithms for no neighbor and nearest neighbor deconvolution o o
Multi-color restoration, channel unmixing o o
Digital overlays displayed on top of the camera image emulating fixed eyepiece graticules. o -

x=included; o=optional; -=not available

Additional Functions

Module name



Dye Assistant Confocal users can select different dyes and LAS X sets up all hardware components accordingly. - x
Lambda Scan Imaging method that acquires the emission spectrum in each image pixel using spectral detectors. - x
Lambda lambda scan Imaging method that acquires the full excitation-emission spectrum in each image pixel using a tunable laser and spectral detectors. Allows Lambda square fluorescence mapping. - o
z-intensity compensation Tool to compensate within a z-stack drop of fluorescence intensity that occurs deeper inside your sample with laser power and/or detector gain. - x
LightGate Restriction of detection to a certain time window removes unwanted signal from autofluorescence or backscattering with HyD detectors. - o
FLIM Wizard for fast and reliable setup of FLIM experiments and full control of FLIM data acquisition.  - o
FCS Wizard for fast and reliable setup of FCS and FLCS experiments and full control of F(L)CS data acquisition.  - o
Electrophysiology Package to guide you through E-Phys experiments, incl. Automated recordings, interactive data acquisition and trigger functions.  - o
CRS Calculator Automatic calculation of specific Raman wavenumbers according to the pumplaser wavelength used for exaction and vice versa. - o
CRS Spectral Scan Automatic spectral scan covering the Raman wavenumbers range 1200-3400cm-1 - o

x=included; o=optional; -=not available

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