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Clinical Symposium on OCT-Guided Retina Surgery

Optimized retinal surgery: Advantages of OCT imaging for diagnosis, surgical decision making and clinical outcome

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In this recording Prof. Tan from Singapore National Eye Centre and Dr. Català from Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona Children’s Hospital share their expertise on retinal surgery with intraoperative OCT from Leica Microsystems. They present interesting cases from routine macular hole surgery to gene therapy in pediatrics.

What to expect in the symposium

Introduction to intraoperative OCT

  • Insights from Leica Microsystems on the EnFocus intraoperative OCT built into the Proveo 8 ophthalmic microscope

Surgical utility of intraoperative OCT

  • Experience and benefits in common cases, e.g., macular hole surgery
  • Complex cases, in which OCT led to change of surgical plans intraoperatively

Challenging cases, in which intraoperative OCT makes a difference

  • Diagnosis of retinoblastoma
  • OCT in pediatric vitreoretinal surgery, e.g., retinoschisis and retinal detachment
  • OCT in gene therapy in pediatrics

Off-label uses of products may be discussed. Please check regulatory affairs for cleared indication for use in your region. The statements of the healthcare professionals included in this symposium reflect only their opinions and personal experiences. They do not necessarily reflect the opinion of any institution with whom he is affiliated.

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Duration: 45 min presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A session

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