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Optimal Visualization in Brain Surgery

See for yourself how the M530 OHX surgical microscope helps visualize different structures, textures, and colors in the treatment of an arachnoid cyst


Dr. Marcos Devanir S. Costa is a neurosurgeon at the Federal University of São Paulo in Brazil. He treated an 18-year-old patient whose Galassi type III arachnoid cyst caused loss of conscience in several instances. This case study “Treatment of the Galassi type III arachnoid cyst with the M530 OHX surgical microscope from Leica Microsystems” documents the procedure step by step and shows the visualization quality at each stage in pictures as well as videos linked from the document.

Overview of the case study

  • Initial patient presentation
  • Pre-operative assessment
  • Treatment decision and surgical procedure
  • Post-operative assessment and imaging
  • Impact of the M530 OHX surgical microscope on the treatment of the Galassi type III arachnoid cyst

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