Arsham Sheybani , Dr.

Dr. Arsham Sheybani is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences at the Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis, Missouri. He specializes in glaucoma and complex anterior segment surgery. Dr. Sheybani is an avid surgical teacher of residents and fellows, and he lectures nationally and internationally on novel glaucoma surgeries and complex surgical cases.
Dislocated Cataract Angle Closure Aided by Intraoperative OCT
Learn how a dislocated cataract was treated with angle closure assisted by intraoperative OCT to achieve long-term good results without future lens dislocation.
Glaucoma Stent Revision Surgery Guided by Intraoperative OCT
Learn about a glaucoma subconjunctival stent revision guided by intraoperative OCT and the important role it plays to ensure the best outcome.