Barbara Parolini , MD

Dr. Barbara Parolini is a Vitreoretinal Surgeon at the Eyecare Clinic in Brescia, Italy.
Moving to Routine Use of Intraoperative OCT in Eye Surgery
Dr Barbara Parolini is one of the pioneers in the use of intraoperative OCT in eye surgery. Since 2016, she has gained a lot of clinical experience with different intraoperative OCT systems. In this…
How OCT-guided Eye Surgery can help you to Focus on Perfection
Watch the successful clinical online symposium on-demand. Find out what Dr. Parolini says about the benefits of OCT-guided ophthalmic surgery. She presents clinical cases and shares her experience…
What is intraoperative OCT telling us?
In the following videos are excerpts taken from a webinar delivered by Dr. Barbara Parolini. During the webinar Dr. Parolini discusses and illustrates how intraoperative OCT provides real-time,…