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U2OS cells stained with Hoechst for nuclei (blue), MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, green) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta) and SiR for tubulin (red). Simultaneous acquisition of four channel large area overview using Spiral scan feature using the 10x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

How To Get Multi Label Experiment Data With Full Spatiotemporal Correlation

Perform live simultaneous multichannel imaging with Mica for fast moving biological events - MicaCam Episode 01 - Video On Demand

U2OS cells stained with Hoechst for nuclei (blue), MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, green) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta) and SiR for tubulin (red). Simultaneous acquisition of four channel large area overview using Spiral scan feature using the 10x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective. U2OS_cells_four_channel_Spiral_scan_Mica.jpg

The first edition of MicaCam focuses on the special challenges of live cell experiments. Our hosts Lynne Turnbull and Oliver Schlicker use the example of studying the mitochondrial activity of live cells. They will show you a hands-on demonstration of what you need to set up your experiments using a multiwell plate chamber, and then show you how to analyze the results.

To watch the full MicaCam experiment, simply fill in a few details in the form below to get your video on demand, and access even more exclusive experiments in the MicaCam library.

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Key Learnings

  • How to image multiple fluorescent labels with a single exposure using FluoSync – a new unmixing method
  • How to use FluoSync to obtain 100% correlated labels without spatiotemporal mismatch, avoiding artefacts and false measurements
  • Save time by eliminating the need to install filters in the lightpath

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Dr. Oliver Schlicker, Senior Application Manager – Leica Microsystems 

Oliver received his PhD in Neuro-Cell-Biology from the University of Heidelberg, Germany. After heading the Imaging Facility at the IZI in Stuttgart, Germany he joined Leica Microsystems Wetzlar in 2008 as Application Manager, responsible for Advanced Fluorescence Widefield Microscopy. 

Dr. Lynne Turnbull, Senior Application Manager – Leica Microsystems

Lynne received her PhD in Sydney Australia in cardiac biophysics and undertook postdoctoral training in San Francisco and Melbourne. Upon moving to the University of Technology Sydney, Lynne established and managed the Microbial Imaging Facility. Lynne joined Leica Microsystems in 2021 as a Senior Application Manager and is based at the EMBL IC in Heidelberg.

The Experiment

MicaCam Episode 01 - original broadcast date: 16th March 2022

When studying multiple cell components over time, multiple fluorescent labels are typically used. Understanding the interaction of these components based on their spatiotemporal context is of interest to many researchers. Conventional imaging using one color filter after another cannot deliver this information with full precision as it uses sequential imaging of just one label at a time, rendering the outcome prone to crosstalk. The faster the biological events, the less precise the information you can acquire this way.

Mica, the world’s first Microhub, removes these constraints, and delivers absolute correlated labels without spatiotemporal mismatch, avoiding artefacts and false measurements. Thanks to the new unmixing method FluoSync, only a single exposure is required to image multiple fluorescent labels at the exact same point in time with full spatiotemporal resolution.

Setting up the experiment is also radically simplified when using Mica. Find out how much time you can save without having to install filters in the lightpath as you normally would with conventional imaging methods.

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