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Confocal Microscopes Articles

Multi-color SRS image of a tri-cellular cancer spheroid

The Potential of Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy at a Glance

Coherent Raman scattering microscopy (CRS) is a powerful approach for label-free, chemically specific imaging. It is based on the characteristic intrinsic vibrational contrast of molecules in the…
U2OS cells labelled with SiR Actin, TMRE, CellEvent™, and DAPI; 13-hour time-lapse imaging; apoptosis-inducer staurosporine

Simplifying Complex Fluorescence Multiwell Plate Assays

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, occurs during organism embryo development to eliminate unwanted cells and during healing in adults to rid the body of damaged cells and help prevent cancer.…
Formation of 3D spheroids; Time lapse acquisition over 72 hours

Efficient Long-term Time-lapse Microscopy

When doing time-lapse microscopy experiments with spheroids, there are certain challenges which can arise. As the experiments can last for several days, prolonged sample survival must be achieved…

Live-Cell Imaging Techniques

The understanding of complex and/or fast cellular dynamics is an important step for exploring biological processes. Therefore, today’s life science research is increasingly focused on dynamic…
Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia:  Truly simultaneous multicolor imaging of live cells (U2OS) in 3D

Artificial Intelligence and Confocal Microscopy – What You Need to Know

This list of frequently asked questions provides “hands-on” answers and is a supplement to the introductory article about Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia "How Artificial Intelligence…
Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia: Truly simultaneous multicolor imaging of live cells (U2OS) in 3D

How Artificial Intelligence Enhances Confocal Imaging

In this article, we show how artificial intelligence (AI) can enhance your imaging experiments. Namely, how Dynamic Signal Enhancement powered by Aivia improves image quality while capturing the…
Influenca in lung epithelial cells (porcine) - THUNDER Imager 3D Cell Culture Influenca virus – red, cilia – green, Nuclei – blue.

How Can Immunofluorescence Aid Virology Research?

Modern virology research has become as crucial now as ever before due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. There are many powerful technologies and assays that virologists can apply to their research into…

Obtain Maximum Information from your Specimen with LIGHTNING

LIGHTNING is an adaptive process for extraction of information that reveals fine structures and details, otherwise simply not visible, fully automatically. Unlike traditional technologies, that use a…

Microscopy in Virology

The coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, causing the Covid-19 disease effects our world in all aspects. Research to find immunization and treatment methods, in other words to fight this virus, gained highest…

Explore Innovative Techniques to Separate Fluorophores with Overlapping Spectra

In this article we explore several strategies you can take to improve the separation of fluorophores and increase the number of fluorescent probes you can distinguish in your sample.

STELLARIS White Light Lasers

When it comes to choosing fluorescent probes for your multi-color experiments, you shouldn’t have to compromise. Now you can advance beyond conventional excitation sources that limit your fluorophore…

TauSense Technology Imaging Tools

Leica Microsystems’ TauSense technology is a set of imaging modes based on fluorescence lifetime. Found at the core of the STELLARIS confocal platform, it will revolutionize your imaging experiments.…

The Power HyD Detector Family

Powerful photon counting detectors on the STELLARIS confocal platform provide improved photon counting, ultra-sensitive imaging and more color options in the NIR spectrum.
Zebrafish Whole Brain imaging with Leica SP8 spectral confocal laser scanning microscope

Zebrafish Brain - Whole Organ Imaging at High Resolution

Structural information is key when one seeks to understand complex biological systems, and one of the most complex biological structures is the vertebrate central nervous system. To image a complete…

What is a Spectral Detector (SP Detector)?

The SP detector from Leica Microsystems denotes a compound detection unit for point scanning microscopes, in particular confocal microscopes. The SP detector splits light into up to 5 spectral bands.…

What is a Resonant Scanner?

A resonant scanner is a type of galvanometric mirror scanner that allows fast image acquisition with single-point scanning microscopes (true confocal and multiphoton laser scanning). High acquisition…
Elucidate cancer development on sub-cellular level by in-vivo like tumor spheroid models.

Improve 3D Cell Biology Workflow with Light Sheet Microscopy

Understanding the sub-cellular mechanisms in carcinogenesis is of crucial importance for cancer treatment. Popular cellular models comprise cancer cells grown as monolayers. But this approach…

What is a Field-of-View Scanner?

A field-of-view scanner is an assembly of galvanometric scanning mirrors used in single-point confocal microscopes that offer the correct optical recording of large field sizes. The field-of-view…
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