U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Sequential acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.
Spheroid Growth over 2.5 days

Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well (upper row) and 1000 U2OS cells per well (lower row). Time-lapse acquisition over 60 hrs with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Black and white, integrated modulation contrast.
Formation of 3D spheroids from 1000 stably transfected MDCK MX1-GFP cells per well (left half) and 1000 U2OS cells per well (right half) shown at 5 different timepoints. Time -lapse acquisition over 60 hrs. with 30 minutes interval. Green, GFP. Gray, integrated modulation contrast.
Mount sample
Mount sample
Position sample
Position sample
Define illumination 1
Start Live Acquisition
Define illumination 2
Define positions
Define illumination 3
Define illumination 4
Choose images
Define detector gain
Run segmentation
Define pinhole
Run analysis
Define scanning mode
Define dwell time
Define offset
Define line step
Define averaging mode
Define averaging method
Define averaging number
Process data
Choose images
Define thresholds
Define separators
Run segmentation
Run analysis
Extract information
Create figures

Tissue slice from the rat brain. Nuclei are stained with DAPI (blue), STL with FITC (green), astrocytes (GFAP) with Cy3 (yellow), and newborn neurons (NeuN) with Cy5 (red). 10x widefield tile scan, all 4 labels aquired simultaneously.
U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Simultaneous acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.

Sequential acquisition with a conventional microscope
Simultaneous acquisition with Mica
U2OS cells stained with MitoTracker green (Mitochondria structure, cyan) and TMRE (active mitochondria, magenta). Simultaneous acquisition of the two channels over 2 minutes 100 frames using the 63x/1.20 CS2 Water MotCORR objective.
3D Cell Culture, 7d spheroid formation of U343 cells. tfLC3 EGFP and mRFP + DAPI + WGA Alexa680. Objective: 20x/0.75 CS2 DRY

Intestine tissue section acquired with different objectives ranging from low to high magnification (1.6x, 10x, 20x, 63x), using widefield and confocal imaging. 20x widefield images are processed with THUNDER and 63x confocal images with LIGHTNING. Nuclei are labeled in blue, mitochondria in green, and detyrosinated tubulin in red.

U2OS cells were labelled with SiR-Actin, TMRE (mitochondria activity), CellEvent™ (caspase activity), and DAPI (nuclei). Apoptosis inducer staurosporine was added at time-point 0. 63x magnification, widefield mode. 13 hours time-lapse.