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Ike Ahmed , Dr.

Ike Ahmed

Dr. Ike Ahmed is Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, Fellowship Director, Glaucoma & Anterior Segment Surgery (GAASS) Fellowship at the University of Toronto and Research Fellowship Director at the University of Toronto, Department of Ophthalmology and Vision Sciences. He is a fellowship-trained glaucoma, cataract, and anterior segment surgeon with a practice focus on the surgical management of glaucoma, complex cataract and intraocular lens complications. He is board certified in ophthalmology in Canada and the USA.

Cataract and Glaucoma Surgery with the Proveo 8 Ophthalmic Microscope

These videos recorded during cataract and glaucoma surgery using Proveo 8 demonstrate how Dr. Ahmed benefits from continuous red reflex even during phaco, due to exclusive CoAx 4 coaxial illumination,…
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