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Simplify and Speed Up Element Analysis at the Micron Range

Chemical Micro Analyzer LIBS


Learn how to get spatially resolved information about the chemical composition of elements in seconds - quickly and easily.

In this webinar we’ll show you how to simplify and accelerate the identification of what you have visually identified at the micron scale. Our new system, the Chemical Micro Analyzer LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) provides the complete workflow solution, from image acquisition to data analysis, with an amazing ease of use.

Key Learnings

This webinar will showcase the versatility and performance of the Chemical Micro Analyzer LIBS in different applications:

  • Steel purity: In addition to the optical classification, how to obtain immediately available information on the composition of the non-metallic inclusions (Al, Mn, Ti, Pb, Si) – spatially-resolved.
  • Technical Component Cleanliness: How to characterize safety-relevant metallic and hard particles safely and reliably.
  • Electroplating or Coating: How to identify changes in coatings on components to determine if the component is still functional.
  • Geosciences and building materials: How to identify the type of mineral by a quick database comparison.
  • Batteries and Electronics: How to detect lithium or beryllium where X-ray based systems fail.
  • ... and many more examples.

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