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How Intraoperative OCT Helps Gain Greater Insight in Glaucoma Surgery
Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in glaucoma surgery and how it helps see subsurface tissue details.

Ophthalmology: Visualization in Complex Cataract Surgery
Learn about the use of intraoperative Optical Coherence Tomography in cataract surgery and how it supports both standard and complex cataract surgery cases.

Skull Base Neurosurgery: Epidural Lateral Approaches
Surgery of skull base tumors and diseases, such as cavernomas, epidermoid cysts, meningiomas and schwannomas, can be quite complex. During the Leica 2021 Neurovisualization Summit, a unique event…

Dr. Tawfik Shares his Expert View on Direct Horizontal Chopping in Cataract Surgery
It is estimated that nearly 28 million cataract surgery procedures are performed worldwide every year. Phacoemulsification is the most common method used to remove the cataract and chopping maneuvers…

Overcoming Ophthalmologic Surgery Challenges
Ophthalmology surgical procedures involving both the anterior and posterior segment can be particularly challenging. Good visualization is required to operate with precision and confidence.

Advanced Visualization in Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery is very demanding. Surgical microscopes play an important role, helping to ensure flaps are well vascularized.
Dr. Christine Bach is a Plastic and Reconstructive…

Sechs wichtige Faktoren für die Auswahl eines Dentalmikroskops
In der Zahnmedizin ist das Operationsmikroskop mittlerweile ein wichtiges Werkzeug für qualitativ hochwertige und erfolgreiche Operationen, insbesondere im Bereich der Endodontie. Ein Mikroskop…