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3D Tissue Imaging: From Fast Overview To High Resolution With One Click
3D Tissue imaging is a widespread discipline in the life sciences. Researchers use it to reveal detailed information of tissue composition and integrity, to make conclusions from experimental…

How To Perform Fast & Stable Multicolor Live-Cell Imaging
With the help of live-cell imaging researchers gain insights into dynamic processes of living cells up to whole organisms. This includes intracellular as well as intercellular activities. Protein or…

Imaging of Cardiac Tissue Regeneration in Zebrafish
Learn how to image cardiac tissue regeneration in zebrafish focusing on cell proliferation and response during recovery with Laura Peces-Barba Castaño from the Max Planck Institute.

How Does The Cytoskeleton Transport Molecules?
VIDEO ON DEMAND - See how 3D cysts derived from MDCK cells help scientists understand how proteins are transported and recycled in tissues and the role of the cytoskeleton in this transport.

Studying Early Phase Development of Zebrafish Embryos
This video on demand focuses on combining widefield and confocal imaging to study the early-stage development of zebrafish embryos (Danio rerio), from oocyte to multicellular stage.

How To Get Multi Label Experiment Data With Full Spatiotemporal Correlation
This video on demand focuses on the special challenges of live cell experiments. Our hosts Lynne Turnbull and Oliver Schlicker use the example of studying the mitochondrial activity of live cells.…

Simplifying Complex Fluorescence Multiwell Plate Assays
Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, occurs during organism embryo development to eliminate unwanted cells and during healing in adults to rid the body of damaged cells and help prevent cancer.…

How to Choose a Microscope for Reconstructive Surgery
Plastic and reconstructive surgery requires excellent visualization to repair intricate and fine structures. Oncological reconstructive surgery procedures are among the most delicate, including breast…

Advances in Oncological Reconstructive Surgery
Decision making and patient care in oncological reconstructive surgery have considerably evolved in recent years. New surgical assistance technologies are helping surgeons push the boundaries of what…