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The knowledge portal of Leica Microsystems offers scientific research and teaching material on the subjects of microscopy. The content is designed to support beginners, experienced practitioners and scientists alike in their everyday work and experiments. Explore interactive tutorials and application notes, discover the basics of microscopy as well as high-end technologies – become part of the Science Lab community and share your expertise!
Image of an integrated-circuit (IC) chip cross section acquired at higher magnification showing a region of interest.

Structural and Chemical Analysis of IC-Chip Cross Sections

This article shows how electronic IC-chip cross sections can be efficiently and reliably prepared and then analyzed, both visually and chemically at the microscale, with the EM TXP and DM6 M LIBS
Microscopy for neuroscience research

What are the Challenges in Neuroscience Microscopy?

eBook outlining the visualization of the nervous system using different types of microscopy techniques and methods to address questions in neuroscience.
How is microscopy used in spatial biology - Teaserimage

How is Microscopy Used in Spatial Biology? A Microscopy Guide

Different spatial biology methods in microscopy, such as multiplex imaging, are helping to better understand tissue landscapes. Learn more in this microscopy guide.
John Hamilton, Bchir, MB, FRCS, Consultant Ear, Nose & Throat Surgeon, Gloucester Royal Hospital. Dr. Hamilton during ontological surgery with his trainees.

Why 3D Microscope Visualization Enriches Surgical ENT Education

Learn about the benefits of using a Leica surgical microscope with 3D visualization for surgical ENT education.

FluoSync - a Fast & Gentle Method for Unmixing Multicolor Images

In this white paper, we focus on a fast and reliable method for obtaining high-quality multiplex images in fluorescence microscopy. FluoSync combines an existing method for hybrid unmixing with…
The various solutions from Leica Microsystems for cleanliness analysis.

Factors to Consider for a Cleanliness Analysis Solution

Choosing the right cleanliness analysis solution is important for optimal quality control. This article discusses the important factors that should be taken into account to find the solution that best…
Projection of a confocal z-stack. Sum159 cells, human breast cancer cells kindly provided by Ievgeniia Zagoriy, Mahamid Group, EMBL Heidelberg, Germany. Blue–Hoechst - indicates nuclei, Green–MitoTracker mitochondria, and red–Bodipy - lipid droplets

New Imaging Tools for Cryo-Light Microscopy

New cryo-light microscopy techniques like LIGHTNING and TauSense fluorescence lifetime-based tools reveal structures for cryo-electron microscopy.
Mouse whole-mount retina. Image courtesy of the Experimental Ophthalmology Group, University of Murcia, Spain.

Fast, High Acuity Imaging and AI-assisted Analysis

The use of state-of-the-art AI systems is pushing image analysis into a new generation. Challenges like the conflict between imaging power and sample integrity are being overcome with THUNDER’s…
3D reconstruction of an isolated human islet

Create New Options for Live Cell Imaging

The use of state-of-the-art AI systems is pushing image analysis into a new generation. Challenges like the conflict between imaging power and sample integrity are being overcome with THUNDER’s…
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